CCWE+20: A Workshop on Women in the Engineering Profession
The INWES Education and Research Institute are pleased to provide its many readers across Canada, the USA, and the world with the final report of its most recent project and great success: the CCWE+20National Workshop held in Ottawa (Canada), April 29th and 30th, 2011.
CCWE+20 Final Report
The Canadian Committee on Women in Engineering (CCWE) was active from 1990 and 1992, the result of their activities produced a comprehensive report More Than Just Numbers detailing the issues, goals, and recommendations for women in engineering. On April 29th and 30th, 2011 the committee gathered at the University of Ottawa to conduct a twenty year review workshop. The workshop gathered committee members, key stakeholders, students, and people from industry to examine past recommendations, current issues, and develop new recommendation for the decade to come.
Below are all the documents that were presented throughout the duration of the conference.
A2. CCWE+20 Conference Speakers: PowerPoint Presentations
- Monique Frize: Historical Background
- Valerie Davidson, Julita Vasseliva, Elizabeth Croft – NSERC Regional Chairs:Report to CCWE+20
- Isabelle Blain and Enikö Megyeri-Lawless – NSERC: Maximizing Opportunities: Increasing Women’s Participation in Science and Engineering – A Summit.
- Axel Meisen – UNESCO and Engineering: UNESCO and Engineering Shaping the Future.
- Crystal Sissons – UOWERG report: Retracing Paths to Advance Future Journeys.
- Paula Leventman: Women in Engineering in the United States. Overview 1990-2010.
- Catherine Mavriplis – National Science Foundation: ADVANCE Program
CCWE+20 Conference Speakers: Presentation Notes
- Chantal Guay: Female Representation within the Engineering Profession.
- Claude Laguë – NCDEAS:Quick facts/ Observations on issues related to women in engineering since 1992 / Looking forward.
B. Conference Documents
- The Workshop Program/Programme
- The Menu and Logos
- Questions to guide discussion groups
- Press Release with logos
- Evaluation CCWE+20 /Évaluation CCFI+20
C. Reference Documents
The Canadian Committee on Women in Engineering (1992), produced a comprehensive report More Than Just Numbers Report details the issues, goals, and recommendations for women in engineering The Canadian Committee produced a summary report derived from the original report, More Than Just Numbers Summary.
Le Comité canadien des femmes en ingénierie a lancé son rapport final Elles font une différence en 1992. Le Rapport du Comité canadien des femmes en ingénierie – Avril 1992 (rapport intégral) et le Rapport du Comité canadien des femmes en ingénierie (sommaire) font tous deux état des questions soulevées au cours des deux années d’activité, établissent des objectifs clairs pour l’avenir, et formulent des recommandations réalisables pour accroître la participation des femmes dans la profession.
- INWES Education and Research Institute (ERI) Canadian Committee of Women in Engineering (CCWE+20) national workshop recommendations press release.
- L’INWES Education and Research Institute (ERI) Comité canadien des femmes en ingénierie (CCFI+20) recommandations de l’atelier national communiqué de presse.